Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home Based Business Answers for Internet Beginners:

Starting an Internet Business, contrary to popular publications lead us to believe, requires much the same foundations as starting a business anywhere else. We need to map it out with research, a business plan, marketing plan, sales targets, and establishment in our chosen marketplace. The one big difference is that it costs a lot less to fail and can make a much better return on investment (ROI) when it succeeds.
It is a commitment requiring the right mind set and strategic considerations PRIOR to commencing the start up.

Things you must assess before you commit:

Assess the reason you want to do it …..Some people are pretty well bound to it because they:
• Have children to care for which prevents normal working hours
• Have elderly people they need to care for which prevents normal working hours
• Are too old to get a well paying job (EG: a late aged Baby Boomer)
• Are too young to get a well paying job (EG: a student)
• Want to own their own business in the most dynamic commercial environment on the planet.
You may want to earn a lot or a little?
All are legitimate considerations and valid positions to take. The thing is ……. that when you consider your REASON you can begin to SEEK OUT the best opportunity for you!

Knowing the answer to these simple (or not so simple) questions helps you FOCUS on what to look for …….
A part-time easy to function job that is suited to your skills
A real business model that will stretch you out of your comfort zone and at the same time present you with an amazing opportunity to build a highly lucrative business, learn from the Masters of the game and still have the flexibility to care for your family and still have time up your sleeve!

Next ask yourself,
what is it that I want to do?
There are plenty of options. Take time to dream a little. Close your eyes and SEE YOURSELF doing the work. How happy are you? Are you enjoying it? What is the work you are doing? And even beyond that
what am I able to do with my life now?

Once you have sorted these two things out you can begin to search for the right thing for you.

This requires some patience and wisdom. Not all offers on the
are good offers. In fact I often think the of the word NET in the context of it
people much like the web of a spider's web........ and it seems like most people get caught at least a little when first starting out. If you do, then don’t let it deter you but let it spur you on to find the right thing for you!!!

Figure out what you want to do. Make a PLAN for your first 6, 12 & 24 months with the business.
Write it down, map it out and use this document to keep yourself focused.
You might have here the number of hours you want to work, the amount of time you want with your family or by yourself. Work out a budget ……… set some targets to shoot for.
You may not be the type of person that has done this before or is comfortable doing it but hey! do it anyway. It can be a real tool to head off confusion and keep you straight?

This is really part and parcel of the planning stage but is so important it needs to be considered separately. The Internet is full of Marketers. They all have the best thing for you ……. at some incredibly discounted price and they are all Soooo convincing that their thing will help you. Sometimes they are right BUT even if they are you must ask yourself
can I afford this now?
Do I need it Now?
Does this hinder or help?
It is so easy to spend more than you make, therefore set a budget.
Work Out how much you can spend? How much you are prepared to spend? How much do you want to earn? What return on Investment will you get if you spend this and earn that?

Assuming you already have a place to work your business at home there are other technical considerations and these can affect your budget too. I’m thinking about stuff like Internet connection speed, will you need to buy a camera, camcorder, webcam, or software? Will you need to upgrade your computer? Do you have an efficient and cost effective printer, will you need one?

These six key foundational & basic steps for Pre-Start up of an internet business if used properly will help in the early stages of a new work. Expect the unexpected, know there will be hindrances but if you have prepared yourself with your eyes wide open you can get to the other side and enjoy the journey. Understand that these six steps can be worked out, written down on a napkin in the coffee house or may take on a more formidable documented report to yourself. Whatever is appropriate for you.

My hope is that this helps you and brings some clarity to what at times can be
pretty muddy water
That’s it for now…!

D Bunyon

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